Required Web Postings

Special Education Required Postings to LEA Website
Updated: July 2022
To assist local education agencies (LEAs) in maintaining compliance with required special education website posting requirements, TEA has developed this checklist to ensure all documents and statements are posted according to the Texas Education Code (TEC) and the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requirements. 

Student Handbook Statement: English | Texas Education Agency

Student Handbook Statement: Spanish | Texas Education Agency

Texas Transition and Employment Guide - Educators - Texas Transition

Updates in Special Education (

Actualizaciones en Educación Especial (

Provides families with information regarding IDEA, Dyslexia, MTSS, and Section 504


Additionally, LEAs must be sure to provide this information to families of students with disabilities without internet access in the most appropriate
manner for their local communities.

Delayed or Denied Evaluations & Compensatory Services (English) 

Delayed or Denied Evaluations & Compensatory Services (Spanish) 


Dyslexia Handbook 2024 Update: Important Changes for Families to Understand (

Actualización del manual de dislexia 2024: Cambios Importantes Que Las Familias Deben Entender (

2024 Dyslexia Handbook (

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The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.

Contact information:

Phone: 1-855-773-3839

Email: Email SpedTex

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