The SCISD Special Education Program is dedicated to providing a comprehensive array of high quality services to students with disabilities. We demand high standards for ourselves as professionals, and have high expectations for the students we serve.


Any school aged child with a disability is entitled to a free, appropriate, public education. We believe that every child can benefit from instruction within the general education environment, and all planning for students with disabilities begins with this belief. Our district places a high priority on fostering a climate of acceptance and shared responsibility between all stakeholders.

Services for students with disabilities are available on every campus. A wide variety of services and levels of support are available. Supports may be provided within the general education classroom by a co-teacher, a paraprofessional, or a tutor; modified curriculum materials are provided when necessary; and students are given specialized instruction outside of the general education classroom, if that is what they need. Each student truly has an “individualized education plan” tailored just for them.

ARD Guide

ARD Guide Spanish

Child Find

Procedural Safeguards

Procedural Safeguards SPANISH

Transition and Employment Guide 

 Transition Updates

Special Education Services (SSES)

Texas SPED Support